Tony Farrell
  • Sycamore Wood

    Sycamore Wood

    Sycamore Wood

    Sycamore Wood

    Sycamore Wood

    Sycamore Wood

    Sycamore Wood

    Sycamore Wood

    Sycamore Wood

    Sycamore Wood

    Sycamore Wood

    Sycamore Wood

    Sycamore Wood


    Scientific name: Acer pseudoplatanus
    Common name(s): Sycamore
    Origin: Sycamore is a deciduous broadleaf tree native to central, eastern and southern Europe. The Sycamore is not a native Irish tree, but arrived in the middle ages.

    Sycamore timber is hard and strong, pale cream and with a fine grain.
    Sycamore was used for kitchen bowls, utensils and tables as the wood does not taint or stain the food.
    Sycamore grows quickly and matures at 50-60 years of age. Under a 250 year old sycamore the Luddites formed the first trade union in Britain.
    Sycamore lintels and doorsteps are said to guard against witches.