Tony Farrell
  • Ash wood

    Ash Wood Bowl
    Diameter 26cm : Height 6cm

    Ash wood

    Ashwood Plates
    Diameter 21cm and 26cm

    Ash wood

    Ash Wood bowl
    Length 17cm : Width 15cm ; Height 9cmm

    Ash wood

    Ash Wood

    Ash wood

    Ash Wood

    Ash wood

    Ash Wood

    Ash Wood

    Ash Tree

    Scientific name: Fraxinus excelsior
    Common name(s): Ash, common ash, European ash
    Origin: Common ash is found across Europe. It is the third most common tree.
    Current problem: Chalara dieback of ash, a disease caused by a fungus that causes the trees to lose their leaves and the crown to die back, and usually results in the death of the tree.

    Ash is a native Irish tree.
    Its coarse grained, tough wood is strong and elastic and used for making hurleys, oars, tool handles and furniture.
    The Ash is called the World tree in Norse legends, its tall stem holding up the heavens, its deep roots in Hades, and the earth at its centre.